waste collection office/support for the BDO system:  86 217 06 17

owner:  660 733 521

manager/logistics:  789 390 267

sale/purchase of secondary raw materials:  508 585 666

Ikona recyklingu


Waste management - Eko-Wima, based in Łomża and a plant in Szczepankowo near Śniadów

We are specialists in waste management. We cooperate with suppliers and recipients of waste from all over the country. In addition to waste management, we provide comprehensive BDO services. For over 20 years, we have been involved and want to contribute as much as possible to the construction and development of the selective waste collection system. We do this on the basis of official permits using advanced recycling technologies. We provide our clients - enterprises, individuals and institutions with efficient and comprehensive service.

We invite waste suppliers and recyclers from all over the country and abroad to cooperate!

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Zajmujemy się gospodarką odpadami. Nasze usługi świadczymy dostawcom i odbiorcom odpadów z całego kraju i zagranicy. Odpady skupujemy m.in. od przedsiębiorstw i sortowni odpadów, gospodarstw rolnych oraz od osób indywidualnych, szkół i instytucji państwowych. Odbiorcom odpadów oferujemy szeroką gamę produktów recyklingowych, w tym: tworzyw sztucznych, tworzyw twardych i makulatury.

Support for the BDO system

We provide comprehensive support for the BDO system. We offer submission of registration applications and performance of all activities related to the registration procedure. We also deal with entering KPO into the records, keeping records of waste, packaging and bags, and preparing reports. We guarantee our clients the scope of BDO services in full or tailored to individual needs.

Eko-Wima – Nadajemy dobry kierunek recyklingowi...


Ikona reklamówki foliowej


Ikona butelki plastikowej


Ikona pudełka

Recycled paper


and many others...